Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Let’s play a game. Everyone in the world say “neverpennyless” on your blog and you’ll be listed on my Technorati page automatically. [brrreeeport] [link]
Monday, February 27, 2006
Hide & Seek
Come out. Come out. Whereever you are!
It's not nice to lurk. Make yourself known by placing a pin on my map.
Add yourself!
It's not nice to lurk. Make yourself known by placing a pin on my map.
Add yourself!
Sunday, February 26, 2006
Elusive Signs

He inspires reverence, or loathing…It's hard to feel indifferent to work like his.
Went to the Milwaukee Art Museum. I generally LOVE this place. Visited the current exhibit by Bruce Nauman, Works with Light. I don't recommend it...unless you're into not-that-clever play on words or giant penis' in neon. I'll never be able to look at men in the same light. (HA. Get it? Nevermind.) [link]
Saturday, February 25, 2006
Consumating Update
I'm screaming up the rankings! Now at 380! Tags include iwaswrongand yourule, ihopeimlikeyouwhenim40, apple_obsessed_lady, good_morning_miss_moneypenny_bond_here and speaks_klingon. Log on and join in on the fun! Firefly (Mostly Harmless), Pilgrim & Petey Boy are already online! [link]
Saturday, February 18, 2006
Dirty Little Secrets
On blog December 12 I alerted you to a website where people mail in their deepest, darkest secrets on a hand made postcard and the webmaster posts the best of them on the website once a week. The band All American Rejects made a video of those postcards. You can view the video at their website. [link]
Consumate Update
I'm up over 200 points! At last check I'm the 701st most popular member at the website...in only THREE DAYS! I've been tagged by several members. Tags include 40_has_been_good_to_her, awesome_nerdy_girl, hitstheslots_notthesluts, more_witty_ansers_please and abox_of_thinmints_for_you. [link]
On blog December 12 I alerted you to a website where people mail in their deepest, darkest secrets on a hand made postcard and the webmaster posts the best of them on the website once a week. The band All American Rejects made a video of those postcards. You can view the video at their website. [link]
Consumate Update
I'm up over 200 points! At last check I'm the 701st most popular member at the website...in only THREE DAYS! I've been tagged by several members. Tags include 40_has_been_good_to_her, awesome_nerdy_girl, hitstheslots_notthesluts, more_witty_ansers_please and abox_of_thinmints_for_you. [link]
Friday, February 17, 2006
You're It!
It's tag...the nerd way.
Website boasts, "Hundreds of fully clothed nerds inside" and "find someone as nerdy as you".

Consumating is a site that helps geeks, nerds, hipsters, and bloggers find "dates". So it says. Geeks like the site because it's well...geeky. Forget written profiles of "I like to take walks on the beach and cuddle next the fireplace". Geeks panic when it comes to writing strings of anything that isn't CODE...aka TAGS.
You use TAGS to describe yourself and identify your interests. You then search through the profiles by combining tags to create your perfect geek match. When you find him/her you tag them...write up bits of code and add it to their profile (eg. gives_good_text or niceglassesgeek). The best part is you can become popular without everr leaving your computer (or meeting people face to face, unless there's a web cam involved).
Everyone is rated by popularity. Popularity is based on how many thumbs up you get, versus how many thumbs down you get. Thumbs for your answers to the weekly question count just as much as thumbs on your tags, which puts nerds and stud muffins on an equal plane. Who can resist the wit and humor of a geek?!
In just two days I've become the 932nd most popular geek in cyberworld! I started at 3,431. Give a geek a chance. [Vote NeverPennyless]
Website boasts, "Hundreds of fully clothed nerds inside" and "find someone as nerdy as you".

Meet NeverPennyless. She hopes to become popular. She is tagged geocaching, purity, and Christian. She doesn't stand a chance.
Consumating is a site that helps geeks, nerds, hipsters, and bloggers find "dates". So it says. Geeks like the site because it's well...geeky. Forget written profiles of "I like to take walks on the beach and cuddle next the fireplace". Geeks panic when it comes to writing strings of anything that isn't CODE...aka TAGS.
You use TAGS to describe yourself and identify your interests. You then search through the profiles by combining tags to create your perfect geek match. When you find him/her you tag them...write up bits of code and add it to their profile (eg. gives_good_text or niceglassesgeek). The best part is you can become popular without everr leaving your computer (or meeting people face to face, unless there's a web cam involved).
Everyone is rated by popularity. Popularity is based on how many thumbs up you get, versus how many thumbs down you get. Thumbs for your answers to the weekly question count just as much as thumbs on your tags, which puts nerds and stud muffins on an equal plane. Who can resist the wit and humor of a geek?!
In just two days I've become the 932nd most popular geek in cyberworld! I started at 3,431. Give a geek a chance. [Vote NeverPennyless]
Thursday, February 16, 2006
Free Audio Books Download
We realize synthesized narration is not for everyone but the technology has advanced enough to provide a listenable narration for many people.
If you like the idea of your favorite drone-like computer voice reading you a classic Christian novel, then you'll love the free audio downloads at Free Christian Audio Books. The creator of TextAloud, the software used to create the audio books, claims the voices are human-like. I got a good chuckle hearing scripture butchered by innapropriate inflections and the fact that the computer generated voice wasn't any better at pronouncing Biblical names and places than the poor schmuck in Sunday school who gets volunteers to read those same passages. [link]
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Free Music Download: Above the Noise

The purpose of this website it to allow free downloads of their albums (MP3s) to help young people step outside of the noise of the world around them, and shout above it to Jesus!
The CDs are full of energy and passion with lyrics that are dead on...and yes, it's noisy. Those who prefer a more subdued worship experience will have a hard time getting over the "noise" of these CD collections.
Download [Above the Noise: Heros]
Download [Go For Broke: Death of a Rock Star]
Also available are two videos: Out of the Darkness and Into the Light.
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Valentines for Penny?
If you love me show it by posting something sweet...sweet like chocolate...chocolate dripping in caramel sauce.
Monday, February 13, 2006
Black Valentine
An anti-Valentine website that helps those who are without love during Valentine's day get their anger out by shooting things.
There's bitter and then there's BITTER. I'd hate to be this guy's ex. [link]
There's bitter and then there's BITTER. I'd hate to be this guy's ex. [link]
Sunday, February 12, 2006
Consider the Llama

Chatting over a llama is certainly a novel way to meet people in a relaxed environment.
Enjoy a romantic country stroll with your sweetheart, leading a llama around the picturesque Lake District in northwestern England. All couples get a commemorative certificate to mark the occasion...as if the memory itseld isn't enough. [link]
Saturday, February 11, 2006
The Coffee That Loves You Back

This one's for faithful Patric. If only my Blog were as popular as his. *sigh*
Seattle's Best coffee cup begs the question: subliminal messaging or accidental line break? Finally, coffee that picks up your energy as well as your self-esteem. [link]
Friday, February 10, 2006
Michael Jackson & the Catholic Church

Michael Jackson may be singing some of Pope John Paul's prayers at a special musical event put on at the Vatican.
As a celebrity he is perhaps a bit remote from the teachings contained in the Pope's prayers. But if he can help us put together a group of singers that fulfil the criteria of the project then we'll study the proposal, said Father Giuseppe Moscat
People are outraged because Jackson's been accused of sexually abusing young boys...twice. What's so un-Catholic about that? [link]
Thursday, February 09, 2006
Keeping the Sabbath Dark
Jonathan Whitman received patent 6,974,925 for a Jewish Sabbath Switch Cover that prevents Jews from accidentally turning on lights during the Sabbath, when it is forbidden for Jews to do so. The cover mounts with adhesive film. The Sabbath Switch Cover can be used to selectively disable or enable the internal lighting system of most major kitchen appliances in order to assist in keeping the Jewish Sabbath and Holidays, and it is easily manufactured, inexpensive to produce and purchase, and convenient to apply and use. [link]
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
Jesuit Love Website Not so Loving

The website dedicated to the Bblack Pope the ruler of the Catholic Church and the New World Order reads, "The Jesuit Brotherhood is now in the phase of consolidation. The ever heretical United States and Canada will soon be the hallow grounds for the inquisition. No less thorough than those of the past under Jesuit servants Hitler, Stalin, Mao and many others. The cleansing will be complete, the protestants will convert or be annihilated. The “Freedoms” will be destroyed as subservience to the Jesuit General is no longer a privilege but a requirement. The non-believers will be slain for the greater good and greater glory of the Jesuit controlled Vatican empire."
Where's the LOVE in that!? [link]
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
Hip (Hop) Catholic Site is Phat

PhatMass produces Catholic hip-hop music as a creative method of communication to the youth and urban culture. Alhtough they are strongly opposed to advocating the use of hip-hop in the liturgy, as they do not feel it properly creates an atmosphere of reverence condusive to prayer. You can listen to "The Father's Phat 5" a weekly audio reflection delivered by Fr. Claud Burns, aka Pontifex. The “phat” in PhatMass stands for “Preaching Holy Apostolic Truth”. The website was created as a personal act of penance by it's phounder. [link]
Monday, February 06, 2006
Porn Site Bought by Catholic Church
For five years a pornography site called FreshTeens lured tens of thousands of web surfers to their site via the domain CatholicTeens.com.
Catholic Youth Minister Chris Gordon, with 22 other Christians, bought the domain CatholicTeens.com for almost $2,200, which the group raised in 48 hours. They gave the domain back to Catholic teens by providing free web site hosting for their youth groups, free web-based e-mails, and the ability to create their own blogs in a protected environment.
Catholic Youth Minister Chris Gordon, with 22 other Christians, bought the domain CatholicTeens.com for almost $2,200, which the group raised in 48 hours. They gave the domain back to Catholic teens by providing free web site hosting for their youth groups, free web-based e-mails, and the ability to create their own blogs in a protected environment.
Sunday, February 05, 2006
Churchgoers should not expect the typical coffee, doughnuts, potlucks or Ladies Aid.
According to TLCC (The Lutheran Christ Connection) founder and overseer, Rev. Mark D. Ochsankehl, who has been a Lutheran Pastor for about 20 years, "There is a new Lutheran paradigm on the global scene. While most Lutheran Churches are immersing themselves in church growth principles and becoming more secular, The Lutheran Christ Connection (TLCC) is doing the opposite. It is not hungry for money, has no synodical political wrangling or nepotism, no programs, “contemporary” worship or entertainment."
TLLC is concerned about nothing but pure Lutheranism and they seem quite pleased about it. Perhaps they should consider dropping the first three letters from their acronym. [link]
Saturday, February 04, 2006
Flirt to Convert Matchmaking Service

Hook up for enlightening conversations around the meaning of life (and the afterlife).
Flirt to Convert serves the needs of those involved in "Missionary Dating" as well as those looking to being converted.
Friday, February 03, 2006
Date to Save Ministry

I want to use my beauty for GOD, and want to encourage Christian women (my sisters in Christ) to do the same, according to the Great Commission
Website says: "Not only can we date hot guys (as only hot Christian girls could do), but hopefully we can lead them to God and help them get them saved from the burning fires of Hell. I've outlined a few tips to help you get a date off to the right start, step-by-step. Jesus saves through hooking up with cute heathen guys!"
Tamara's 10 Dating Tips:
- If he tells your that you are hot...
Tell him God made you hot. - If he wants to hold your hand...
Give him a Bible. - If he tries to get closer...
Tell him the Holy Spirit is wooing him. - If he asks to pay for dinner...
Remind him that Jesus also paid a debt He did not owe! - If he reaches his arm around you...
Tell him that nobody will ever be as close to you as Jesus is.
(or ask him if you instead could "lay hands" on him in prayer) - If he tries to kiss you...
Remind him that a kiss killed your Savior.
(and you're not ready to "speak in tongues") - If he asks to come inside...
Ask him if he has asked Jesus to come inside his heart. - If he tells you he loves you...
Tell him that Jesus loves him. - If he gets angry that you won't put out...
Clarify to him that W.W.J.D. does NOT mean "Who would Jesus Do." - After you dump him...
Tell him that Jesus Christ will never leave or forsake him.
Thursday, February 02, 2006
New Book: Cheap Ways to Tie the Knot

Six months. Five Grand. A beautiful church wedding. Here's the difinitive guide to pulling it off.
Cheap. Not a word normally used when asked, "What are you looking for in a mate?"
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
Lost Boy Lost No More

American rappers make headlines with rival shoot-outs, but this Sudanese-born UK rapper has actually been through a civil war. Jal was lured into the Sudanese People’s Liberation army and put into the battlefield years before he even entered puberty. He ultimately escaped around age 12 and was smuggled to Kenya by a British aid worker. He then found shelter at Christian missions which was where he was first introduced to rap music. Inspired, he and his friends hit the streets to rap about peace. Now 26, Jal has since become one of Africa’s biggest rap stars and a rising star in the UK after a spot at Live 8 in Cornwall. His album, Ceasefire, blends traditional Sudanese folk music with hip-hop beats, resulting in an amalgam of modernity in today’s mash-up culture.