Never Pennyless

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Unexpectingly Expecting

I am on maternity leave until further notice.

I leave you with the following.

Get Wiggy With the Baby Toupee

Finally! An end to bald babies!!

Friday, November 10, 2006

Holy Bible (Hardcover)

Read the reviews. [scroll down]

As a book 'The Bible' starts well, but you soon find yourself bogged down in the backstory and unable to grasp everything before you end up launched into the main plot almost half way through the novel.

Lots of death and destruction that makes you feel a little like Doctor Who visiting the Tractites... Not quite as philanthropically elucidating as, say, Slaughterhouse Five, in the meaning-of-life department, but still an interesting read.

The first part is long-winded. The stuff in the back is wicked cool.

The God character seems to have been oddly portrayed; especially considering the vast amount of praise people seem to give him. He comes across as a egotistical psychopath, who's obsessed with maintaining his own glory at the expense of the humans he 'created'. Whilst this theme is interesting to start with (the destruction of the 7 tribes part particularly fun), it soon becomes dull.


Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Three-Month Tithing Challenge with congregations in Oklahoma, Texas and Arizona is offering a money back guarantee on your tithe.

We commit to you that if you tithe for three months and God doesn't hold true to His promises of blessings, we will refund 100% of your tithe. No questions asked.



Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Tammy Faye

Dear Friends;

I just want to thank you all for your prayers, cards, letters, encouraging words, e-mails, and gifts. I’m doing ok. Have good days and some not so good. But I’m still hanging in there believing in the Lord for a complete healing.

This letter will be pretty short so please forgive me for not writing more. Just wanted to let you know I’m still here.

Please just keep lifting me up with your prayers for a miracle.

Love you all. God Bless You.

Last night I saw the movie The Eyes of Tammy Faye. The movie didn't do much to change my opinion towards Tammy or her then husband, Jim. However, Tammy earned my admiration and respect when she became a housemate on VH1s The Surreal Life in season 2. [did i really just say i admire tammy faye?!]

I lived through the Jim & Tammy era. I never liked them. The very mention of their names made my skin crawl. More than 20 years later, I'm slowing becoming a cautious Tammy fan. Perhaps I'm more like her than I ever dared to admit...minus the mascara, of course.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Summer Picnic

When you're a mega church like James River Assembly in Ozark, Missouri, you can do anything you want at your summer picnic.

I guess simple fellowship over a pot-luck followed by the annual egg-toss is too old school.


Sunday, November 05, 2006

Church Fall Festival Update

One year ago Gary Lamb made a post to his blog that earned him death threats. One year later, he reposted it.

It's still relevant.


Saturday, November 04, 2006

Old School

The following is a teaser for Fish Food, a media-driven God experience. (And I thought the goal was to have a personal experience...I guess that's the old school part.)

A subscription includes daily devotions delivered via the web. This little mp3 explains the whole thing. A one-year subscription is $50, which they claim is less costly than 1 grande white chocolate mocha each month.


Friday, November 03, 2006

Devotions Downloaded to your Cell Phone

For just $5 a month Integrity Media will text your daily devotional...right to your phone. Premium plans include music videos via their mobile web access, mobile groups/communities, ring tones from top Christian artist and wallpapers (a few examples above).


Thursday, November 02, 2006

The Church You Know

You've seen NBC's "The More You Know" campaign — a series of Public Service Announcements that have run on the NBC television network. Working within a similar style and format, "The Church You Know", is a series of seven "Public Service Announcements" for the Church.

Don't forget to order your Christ is the Head...I am the Rectum T-Shirt. I've already ordered mine!


Wednesday, November 01, 2006

What NOT to get your daughter for Christmas

Tesco has been forced to remove a pole-dancing kit from the toys and games section of its website after it was accused of "destroying children's innocence".

The Tesco Direct site advertised the kit with the words, "Unleash the sex kitten inside...simply extend the Peekaboo pole inside the tube, slip on the sexy tunes and away you go!

"Soon you'll be flaunting it to the world and earning a fortune in Peekaboo Dance Dollars".

The kit comprises a chrome pole extendable to 8ft 6ins, a 'sexy dance garter' and a DVD demonstrating suggestive dance moves.

...excerpt from Daily Mail

And here I was wondering if my daughter was ready for the ballet dance set.

[link] [Christianity Today Article]