We Suck...
One church's attempt at a marketing campaign...

Umm. I agree. As a marketing professional, I think this attempt at a marketing campaign for a church...well...sucks.

our church invitation
We Suck...
We have nothing to offer...
We don't know anything...
We are just a small group of people
in a small room trying to discover
more about God...
Come be confused with us...
Umm. I agree. As a marketing professional, I think this attempt at a marketing campaign for a church...well...sucks.
I don't think they should say they suck and have nothing to offer, but at least the are real and honest.
Emilia Thee Great, at 9/29/2006 7:06 PM
just weird
Anonymous, at 10/01/2006 11:36 AM
I know the church-growth people won't like this, but IMHO, the words "church" and "marketing" don't belong together. And this whole "giving ATM" thing seems creepy to me.
That's one reasson why the ad has some appeal. Saying "We suck" certainly isn't the most positive thing in the world. But they get an A+ from me for honesty. Fact is, contrary to what the big-time televangelists and pastors of mega "Worship Centers" say, we really don't know anything.
Anonymous, at 3/03/2008 9:08 AM
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