My Lord Is Not Huggable!

From the Blog of Michael Gregory Steele earlier this month:
"There is a very dangerous children's toy currently on the market and that I wanted to make all the parents out there aware of it. Just because this particular toy doesn't present a choking hazard that doesn't mean it can't irreparably harm your child. In fact, this toy could be more dangerous to your child than a plastic bag filled with razor blades. I'm talking about a Bible quoting and "huggable" version of My Lord and savior, Jesus Christ.
First of all, this doll sends kids the message that it's ok to hug any unshaven man who uses as rope as a belt when he says things like “I love you and I have an exciting plan for your life.” I think having this doll in my house could potentially undermine the Steele family policy of not hugging homeless hippie pedophiles.
The second problem I have with this doll is how he looks. To understand what I mean, first I would ask all of you to take a moment and look at the picture of this stuffed abomination above. Notice the doll's dark skin, his dread-locked hair, and the fact that he looks as though he would be quite adept at Frisbee or hacky sack. Now compare this to the picture of Jesus you have on your wall at home. See what I mean? Jesus should look like a beaming blond-haired and blue-eyed Adonis, not some hippie with poor hygiene and a vacant glassy stare.
Having a Jesus doll watching you as you sleep should be as terrifying for a child as being tucked in with a Chucky doll.
Do you see where I'm going with this yet? Of course you don't. What I'm trying to say is that this is not a stuffed representation of the Jesus we all know and love. This is not the Jesus that hates sodomites, loves unfettered free market capitalism, and supports the War on Terror. This doll is a false idol of a false god created by liberals who want to undermine our Christian faith. These liberal nonbelievers co-opted Christ and remade him in their own twisted image. They created a pseudo-Jesus who preaches tolerance toward all, respect for women, and a concern for the poor. I hate this so-called Christ with every fiber of my being.
If this doll were an accurate representation of the angry vengeful God I know then no child would want to hug or play with it. If my son, Michael Jr., had a real Jesus doll then he would cower at the very sight of it. Having a Jesus doll watching you as you sleep should be as terrifying for a child as being tucked in with a Chucky doll. The child should fear and respect their Jesus doll, not love it and cuddle it as if it were a damned teddy bear. It is for these reasons that I'm urging parents not to buy one of these dolls for your child. If you wish to be a responsible Christian parent you need to make sure that your child views the Lord not as his “bestest snuggle buddy” but as the one thing standing between him and eternal torment in Hell."
Other Jesus Dolls on the market:
Faith Dolls
Heavenly Dolls Company
Holy Huggables
My Loving Jesus (streaming video)
My Sweet Jesus
what do you do with your days?
Patric (formerly content), at 9/27/2006 4:44 PM
What the heck, I hope this man is being sarcastic, because pretty much everything he said is backwards or twisted, sick really sick.
Emilia Thee Great, at 9/27/2006 5:04 PM
I love satire. It is satire, isn't it? There were a couple of lines that gave it away and the whole Adonis thing, he went way over the top. Reminds me of the line, "Jesus is republican, middle class, and white." -Derek Webb
You should check out this poem
if you like it check out
That's the guy who wrote it.
Anonymous, at 9/27/2006 6:21 PM
Sorry, the link doesn't work, I'll post it on my blog. It will be called the Hug Poem. The myspace address is correct though, just the songmeanings is off.
Anonymous, at 9/27/2006 6:23 PM
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