Jesus laughing at our troops?

Show your gratitude and voice your support for the men and women serving in the various branches of the US Military by sending them...a free picture of Jesus Laughing at them. [link]
By the way, I did a Bible search for "Jesus Laughed". No results. Nadda. Also nothing for "Jesus Smiled", "Jesus Smirked" nor "Jesus Joked". And yet we have examples of Jesus' wit all throughout the new testament. Take a look at Luke 6:42. If you don't ROFLOLWM after reading THAT, you don't know what humor is.
Besides, if God didn't have a sense of humor this blog would have been struck by lightening by now.
ROFLOLWM? Does that mean "Roll On the Floor Laughing Out Loud at Wal-Mart"? Also, I must give a big ole wow to that website with the laughing Jesus. That is just crazy.
Petey Boy, at 11/11/2005 7:28 AM
I ordered several and had it put on t-shirts. My pastor really digs his. I always thought that Jesus has a kinda' warped sense of humor.
Think its all the water he changed into wine.
Anonymous, at 11/14/2005 1:40 PM
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