Let me interrupt this joyous season with a midlife crisis! I work with youth. I tell them over and over not to tie their self esteem, self confidence to their "looks". To make the point, a friend and I dared each other to post our pics at Well...not only am I NOT hot, ugly women got higher "hot or not" ratings than me! Shriveled up old grannies scored higher! If my ratings fall any lower I'm going to be in the RED! I know I'm begging to SEE red!
Have I learned anything from this? Yes. I've been living in denial...and God has a warped sense of humor.
Go ahead. Cast a vote...or not. Here is the direct [link] to my voting page but you probably won't go see it.
My friend Marvin the Robot warned me there'd be millenniums like this.
Jasmine says this stuff doesn't matter. Just to prove her point she's posted a pic of her own. Wonder if she'll feel the same when she finds out MA outranked her!
Penny, at 11/29/2005 2:44 PM
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